Library with computer desks and books

Library Policies

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Our policies cover a range of topics, including borrowing materials, computer use, printing, and conduct within the library. We encourage you to review our policies and reach out to our staff with any questions or concerns you may have. By working together, we can ensure that our library remains a valuable resource for everyone on campus.

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Monday – Friday
7:45 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

DVDs, CDs, and CD-ROMs are available at the Circulation Desk. All audiovisual materials circulate to faculty, students, and staff. If these items are overdue and requested by another Library user, they are subject to immediate recall.

Smoking, Eating & Drinking are NOT permitted in the library

Borrowing privileges are extended to current Ocean County College/Kean Ocean faculty, students, and staff. A valid Ocean County College/Kean Ocean ID Card serves as your library card and must be presented to borrow items and use resources placed on reserve. ONLY YOU may use your College ID. You will be held responsible for materials checked out on your card.

The majority of our circulating materials are located on the Library’s second floor. All materials must be checked out at the Circulation Desk, located near the exit. Loan periods vary by item type. You will be informed of your item’s due date at checkout. Books typically circulate for a two-week period. Please ask a staff member for further details.

Books may be renewed if no other patron has requested them. You can renew materials in person, by phone, or online by accessing your library account through the Library Catalog. Just click “Sign in” at the top right corner of the screen and use your Ocean Connect credentials for access.

Items may be returned to the Circulation Desk. After hours, materials may be placed in the book drop on the wall to the right of the Library entrance at the top of the lobby steps. All checked-out materials must be returned by the end of each semester or session.

The use of cell phones is NOT allowed.

Please silence your phone upon entering the Library. If you must take a call, please leave the Library until the call has ended.

Library computer workstations are for research purposes and are prioritized for 365球赛平台 faculty, students, and staff. Persons not affiliated with 365球赛平台 or using the computers for other purposes may be bumped.

Use of a computer is limited to 20 minutes if someone else is waiting. The Internet, online article databases, and the Library’s online catalog can all be accessed on computers throughout the Library. Word processing and other productivity software are also available on all Library computers. Additional software may be available in the computer lab located on the 2nd floor. Please speak to a computer lab staff member for more information.

There are prioritized computers for depository access located near the government documents collection and legal reference collection. These computers are prioritized for depository patrons, including public patrons.

Library MaterialOverdue FineMaximum Overdue FineLost Item Fee
Book$.10 / day$10.00$25.00
Video$1.00 / day$10.00Replacement Cost
DVD$1.00 / day$10.00$30.00
Audiobook$1.00 / day$10.00$40.00
CD-Rom$1.00 / day$10.00$40.00
Music CD$1.00 / day$10.00$20.00
Pamphlet$.10 / day$10.00$10.00
Camera$5.00 / day$10.00$300.00
Reserve Item – Daily$1.00 / day$10.00TBD based on item
Reserve Item – Hourly$1.00 / hour ($.25 / 15 minutes)$10.00TBD based on item

Items returned late must be brought to the Circulation Desk where fines must be paid. Overdue fines are $.10 per day for books and $1.00 per day for videos. Fines are assessed daily. There are additional charges for lost items. All Library charges must be settled for you to register for the next semester, receive grades, or request a transcript.

Ocean County College is a congressionally designated depository for selected United States Government Documents. Reference librarians can assist you in using this collection. Public access to Government Documents collection is guaranteed by public law (Title 44 United States Code).

The current year’s periodicals are located on the first floor of the Library, arranged alphabetically by title on open shelves. Older periodicals are shelved behind the Circulation Desk and may be requested by speaking with a staff member.

Periodicals cannot be checked out; they are used only in the Library.

Two photocopy machines are located on the first floor on either side of the Periodicals Collection. One more copier is on the second floor in alcove 202 Photocopy-C.

Photocopies are $.10 per page and use the GoPrint card. These photocopiers provide basic copy options. For more complex copying, see Office Services in Building #27.

One printer is located on the first floor by the Reference Desk. Two additional printers are located on the second floor outside of the Computer Lab. Black and white printing jobs are $.10 per page. Color printing is available on the 2nd floor and costs $.25 per page.

Public printing requires the purchase of a GoPrint swipe card. These cards cost $.50 and are available for purchase in both the library and bookstore. The cards are reusable debit cards and allow for a discount on double-sided print (not copy) jobs. Please see a library or computer lab staff member for more information.

Once materials are placed in the Library, reading and examination of these materials become the private matter of each individual.

Circulation records are confidential in nature, and shall not be made available to any agency of federal, state, or local government except in response to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power.

The Library’s second (top) floor is maintained as a quiet floor intended for quiet study and research. The following rules are enforced:

  • No talking above a whisper anywhere on the floor, including study rooms.
  • No extended conversations, even at a whisper.
  • No use of cell phones whatsoever.
  • No other noise sources are permitted on the floor.
  • No disruptive behavior or you will be asked to leave.

Please be considerate of others by helping to maintain a quiet atmosphere.
Please report loud individuals to library staff immediately.

Library staff and campus security will make periodic walkthroughs to enforce quiet and other Library rules and will respond promptly to requests for enforcement from users.

Please consult staff for assistance in locating and using Library resources.
The Reference Desk and collection are located at the Tower Room end of the first floor. The Reference Desk is staffed during all Library hours by professional librarians who provide individualized assistance and group training in the use of reference resources, electronic databases, and other Library resources.

Course materials placed on reserve by instructors are available at the Circulation Desk. Reserve items must be used in the Library unless loans are specified by faculty. Your ID card must be presented when requesting reserve material.

The Library is equipped with a security system and Library staff reserve the right to inspect backpacks, bags, purses, and briefcases at the exit.

If an alarm sounds as you exit, please return to the Circulation Desk. To protect valuables, DO NOT leave purses, laptop computers, backpacks, or any valuable personal property unattended.

The Tower Rooms on the first and second floors of the Library provide an area for quiet study and relaxation. For group projects use the study rooms on the second floor. Priority is given to group use of these rooms.

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